Chapter 28: The Ordinances

Source: 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith

Chapter 28

28.1 Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances explicitly and sovereignly appointed by the Lord Jesus, the only lawgiver,1 to be continued in his church to the end of the world.2

(1) Mat 28:19-20; 1Co 11:24-25
(2) Mat 28:18-20; Rom 6:3-4; 1Co 1:13-17; Gal 3:27; Eph 4:5; Col 2:12; 1Pe 3:21; 1Co 11:26; Luk 22:14-20

28.2 These holy appointments are to be administered by those who are qualified and called to do so, according to the commission of Christ.1

(1) Mat 24:45-51; Luk 12:41-44; 1Co 4:1; Tit 1:5-7